Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

“ the Scottish Green activists, who are widely represented on Twitter”

What you fail to say, Iain, is that these Rainbow Green objects, like ‘Beth’ Douglas and ‘Eilidh’ Martin spend their time threatening to throat punch TERFs and dressing in nappies, respectively. They’re the very fetishists and autogynephiles who have harmed the genuine gender dysphoric from receiving an unbiased hearing. I’m sure they’re very proud at the role they’ve played!

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A conundrum of sorts between this and your post of 23rd March in that being anti business is even less of an incentive for professionals to migrate here and contribute to our economy.

To put this into a personal perspective, I am Chartered Environmentalist whose professional ethos is to improve the planet through cooperation and income generation. The green party here clearly does not speak my language nor that of my peers either. Therefore there is an empty space on the political landscape where sensible environmental policies should be present. A good example could be the internationally tested BC ferries which have retrofitted diesel engines. There are thousands of examples our policy makers could look to adapt rather than the fantasy land they seem to occupy.

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I'm concerned that so many parts of the media are so reluctant to openly challenge Yousaf on what appear to be the lies he has told about his position at that final equal marriage vote. He sought permission to skip the vote and received this from Alex Salmond. He has essentially now called Neil a liar when, as minister responsible for the bill, Neil had had to be kept informed on numbers and was informed of the reason why Salmond had excused Yousaf. (On the grounds of his religion.) The Sunday Mail has claimed today that two other former ministers in the cabinet have also confirmed that Yousaf had asked to be excused. Are they lying too?

What I've noticed is that no journalist seems to have approached Salmond. Is this because he is generaly hated by the Scottish media?

The point is, Yousaf sent Neil Gray out on Wednesday to tell people that Kate Forbes couldn't be "trusted" yet his story surrounding this vote is in absolute tatters. He is looking anything but honest yet is not being robustly challenged. He is also accusing others of "dirty tricks" when he has smeared Forbes and also Neil. Surely there should be documentary evidence that he was officially excused? Or Salmond can verify?

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