You rightly say that Mridul Wadwha is a biological male with no GRC. He holds the post of CEO at ERCC because he applied for a job which was advertised as women-only under the Equality Act. Coincidentally, I'm sure, he was an office-bearer of the SNP. He has no qualifications for the job, but with gender ideologues such as Maggie Chapman and Sandy Brindley, an SNP lickspittle and mouthpiece on the board, there were no repercussions.
Wadwha has not only hounded Roz Adams; he has prioritised gender ideology over the victims of rape; he knows raped women are not using ERCC because it's no longer a female-only space and is "quite comfortable" with that; he presided over a huge turnover of staff as longstanding women workers leave. And, spitefully, yesterday's judgement reveals that staff at the ERCC were forbidden from recommending JK Rowling's service if victims wanted a female-only environment. Other womens' refuges or services which did not submit to gender ideology have long since lost their funding.
Sandy Brindley is currently railing against the legal bodies of Scotland, who are planning to boycott the SNP's ridiculous juryless trials in rape cases. She used the ERCC to issue press releases on behalf of the Alphabetties after Alex Salmond's acquittal. She is part of the Greek Chorus of supposed independent bodies who proselytise for the ScotGov. These organisations rely for their funding on Holyrood; their executives want to stay on the gravy train; funding for their organisations, and their next career move will depend on them doing ScotGov's bidding. There is no democratic control over them. Unfortunately, as our students are groomed into gender ideology, there will be less and less resistance from frontline staff.
As always, I have to object to the tag "left wing" in all this. These people are careerists who care nothing for those they notionally serve and know nothing about the lives of the most oppressed. There's nothing left wing about that. They don't even call themselves left wing any more - they label themselves "progressives" as they hound ordinary women for wrongthink.
Unfortunately, Iain, you also succumb to the mantra that ‘transwomen are women’ when you repeat the nonsense that Wadhwa is a ‘she’. This man has no Gender Recognition Certificate, retains his tackle and bullies traumatised women. He needs to be sacked immediately.
Excellent, Iain. I have just had a post on X ‘restricted’ because I object to the term ‘cis woman’. I am a *woman*, tout court. The trans language police are eroding freedom of expression. The worst thing of all is what the trans activists have been allowed to do in our schools. Why do authorities, at all, levels, allow, and indeed facilitate, that?
Similarly to AnneDon's conclusion, the searing twin outcomes of this heinous chapter of Scottish political landscape are the increased number of barriers victims of rape must now traverse together with a further erosion of trust in newer political movements.
That these progressives never actually factor in legacy to their proselytising speaks volumes as to their maturity.
That's why I hate this ideology being called left wing. It is destroying left wing parties and movements from within. These people are authoritarian infiltrators - they aren't even democrats, let alone left wing.
Please note I definitely do not want to be neither alarmist nor conspiratorial, yet somewhere in this mix does point to a serious disinformation strategy underway. The main consequence being abrasion of political trust rather than anything more sinister.
A wee correction. You wrote: The Scottish Green Party has recently expelled 13 members, including their former leader, Robin Harper, for arguing that “sex is a biological reality”.
As a founding signatory of the Scottish Green Women's Declaration (you can read it online), along with Robin and 43 others, I can tell you that Robin resigned his life membership of the SGP in August last year - the SGP had "lost the plot" he said. The 13 expellees are those who signed the Declaration in or after November 2023 and still then in SGP membership, that the Party had identified for purging.
You rightly say that Mridul Wadwha is a biological male with no GRC. He holds the post of CEO at ERCC because he applied for a job which was advertised as women-only under the Equality Act. Coincidentally, I'm sure, he was an office-bearer of the SNP. He has no qualifications for the job, but with gender ideologues such as Maggie Chapman and Sandy Brindley, an SNP lickspittle and mouthpiece on the board, there were no repercussions.
Wadwha has not only hounded Roz Adams; he has prioritised gender ideology over the victims of rape; he knows raped women are not using ERCC because it's no longer a female-only space and is "quite comfortable" with that; he presided over a huge turnover of staff as longstanding women workers leave. And, spitefully, yesterday's judgement reveals that staff at the ERCC were forbidden from recommending JK Rowling's service if victims wanted a female-only environment. Other womens' refuges or services which did not submit to gender ideology have long since lost their funding.
Sandy Brindley is currently railing against the legal bodies of Scotland, who are planning to boycott the SNP's ridiculous juryless trials in rape cases. She used the ERCC to issue press releases on behalf of the Alphabetties after Alex Salmond's acquittal. She is part of the Greek Chorus of supposed independent bodies who proselytise for the ScotGov. These organisations rely for their funding on Holyrood; their executives want to stay on the gravy train; funding for their organisations, and their next career move will depend on them doing ScotGov's bidding. There is no democratic control over them. Unfortunately, as our students are groomed into gender ideology, there will be less and less resistance from frontline staff.
As always, I have to object to the tag "left wing" in all this. These people are careerists who care nothing for those they notionally serve and know nothing about the lives of the most oppressed. There's nothing left wing about that. They don't even call themselves left wing any more - they label themselves "progressives" as they hound ordinary women for wrongthink.
Very well said.
Unfortunately, Iain, you also succumb to the mantra that ‘transwomen are women’ when you repeat the nonsense that Wadhwa is a ‘she’. This man has no Gender Recognition Certificate, retains his tackle and bullies traumatised women. He needs to be sacked immediately.
Please don’t call Wadwha she 😬
Excellent, Iain. I have just had a post on X ‘restricted’ because I object to the term ‘cis woman’. I am a *woman*, tout court. The trans language police are eroding freedom of expression. The worst thing of all is what the trans activists have been allowed to do in our schools. Why do authorities, at all, levels, allow, and indeed facilitate, that?
Similarly to AnneDon's conclusion, the searing twin outcomes of this heinous chapter of Scottish political landscape are the increased number of barriers victims of rape must now traverse together with a further erosion of trust in newer political movements.
That these progressives never actually factor in legacy to their proselytising speaks volumes as to their maturity.
That's why I hate this ideology being called left wing. It is destroying left wing parties and movements from within. These people are authoritarian infiltrators - they aren't even democrats, let alone left wing.
Please note I definitely do not want to be neither alarmist nor conspiratorial, yet somewhere in this mix does point to a serious disinformation strategy underway. The main consequence being abrasion of political trust rather than anything more sinister.
A wee correction. You wrote: The Scottish Green Party has recently expelled 13 members, including their former leader, Robin Harper, for arguing that “sex is a biological reality”.
As a founding signatory of the Scottish Green Women's Declaration (you can read it online), along with Robin and 43 others, I can tell you that Robin resigned his life membership of the SGP in August last year - the SGP had "lost the plot" he said. The 13 expellees are those who signed the Declaration in or after November 2023 and still then in SGP membership, that the Party had identified for purging.
Meanwhile, the Cost of Living crisis is the main concern for the vast majority of voters.