Very thought provoking.

We certainly need new words for ‘right’ and ‘left’ wing. The ‘left’ seem to have no interest in improving life for the working class- in fact they are terrified to say ‘working class’- instead they obsess about identity politics.

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The modern Critical Social Justice left, the "woke" If you will, despise the working class, and especially the white working class.

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Time for the Scottish Conservatives to break with Head Office if we want to maintain the UK. The Scots won’t tolerate a move to the ‘right’ even though we are a surprisingly conservative county - small ‘c’. Oh yes, we like to think we’re exceptional and ‘progressive’ but that’s nonsense. We’re are thrawn as any right wingers.

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You've probably read Tim Garton Ash's analysis in yesterday's paper but in case you missed it...


As he says, just as Britain has finally woken up to the cost of Brexit and is beginning to teeter back towards a more pragmatic relationship with Europe, there’s a serious risk that France may get a hard right Eurosceptic government. Interesting times indeed

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