The only problem with your analysis, Iain, is that no laws have been passed to legalise this. All this horror has been unleashed through policy capture, not by legislation and without democratic oversight. So the damage is still happening, not least because organisations like our universities are training Third Sector "professionals" of the future.

That's why they don't debate with anyone, which is bad practical politics because you can never hear the other side or sharpen your arguments. Hence the witchhunt aspect, justifying any violence against anyone with the audacity to contradict them.

Perhaps one reason Harvie doesn't want any debate is because he would have to explain how a parliament who wants 16 + 17 year olds to take life-reducing drugs for "identity" reasons has happily outlawed buying tobacco for our 16 + 17 year olds.

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I may not agree with Kate Forbes politics or her interpreation of scipture - but I do admire her immensly for being brave enough to state her beliefs, be willing to suffer for them, and to state the obvious.

We need more politicians like her

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Looking forward to it, Iain. As a self-declared gender critical woman, or if Sturgeon is to be believed, a “transphobe, bigot, misogynist and possibly racist”, I’m loving the fightback. It won’t be long before judges stop referring to trans-identified men as ‘she’ and their crimes recorded as being committed by women. Let’s see if the Scottish Prison Service has the bottle to shun the notion that female prisoners in Scotland are to be used to validate these men. Something tells me they and their nationalist mates will be slow to get on board!

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Some of me considers the term 'Wokapocalypse' as a new Europop sensation, just waiting to burst on the summer scene. That said, the seriousness of how minor politicians such as Patrick Harvie managed to leverage this degree of bias into temporal popularism is indeed worthy of deep scrutiny. My own instinct shies away from anything directed from Moscow, as the level of self righteousness displayed by such a disparity of political leadership ably demonstrates transition from listening to hubris.

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